Park heat management
Time: 2023-04-05 Author: United Netherworld Reading: 221 times
With the gradual deepening of the transformation project of urban heating pipe network, the number of heat exchange stations is increasing, and the heating area is getting bigger and bigger, and a heat power plant is responsible for the heating of several areas, or the combined heating of multiple heat power plants has become the development trend of urban central heating. Urban central heating system due to the wide heating area, large heating area, so that the distance between regions, pipe network quality, heating equipment and other hard environment is uneven, there are waste of manpower, low heating efficiency, heating imbalance, energy waste, heat network fluctuations and many other problems, so the establishment of a set of safe and reliable, flexible and accurate remote monitoring and management system, to achieve real-time collection and control of heat user data, to achieve the goal of energy saving and consumption reduction is very necessary.
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